Two months prior to coming to LaserHealth® Solutions I suffered a severe left ankle sprain, and re-activated an old knee injury on the same leg during a fall on a stairway. Confident that I had no broken bones, and could manage my own recovery, I did not seek immediate professional assessment. Subsequently I found myself attempting to cope unsuccessfully with significant soft tissue damage to my ankle, in addition to the unwelcome companion of swelling in both areas, irritating stiffness, and constant pain.

Traditional treatment combining rest, icing, compression and elevation failed to promote the healing I sought in my ankle. Weight-bearing was torment, especially when it came to safely navigating any combination of the 28 stair steps in our town house, and night time consisted of endless hours of broken sleep due to the level of throbbing, burning pain which increased predictably with the arrival of evening. I also became increasingly concerned about the level of discomfort in my knee as my previous injury involved a complex leg fracture, which had already left me with some limitation, and I could not afford to risk possible permanent damage to that area. I lead a busy life, but had to put important commitments on hold, limiting time spent on my feet to a fraction of what I and used to and felt increasingly disabled, stressed and concerned as time past without healing.

Fortunately, the very day I finally accepted that I needed to seek additional help to resolve what had, by that time, become chronic issues I heard a radio advertisement for LaserHealth® Solutions. I booked an appointment and two days later begun a series of fourteen life changing Laser Treatments, nine on my ankle, and five on my knee. Following my initial session, I had no pain whatsoever in my ankle for a full five hours afterwards, which to say the least, was an incredible relief. With the continued careful applications of the technology, skillful guidance and encouragement of all staff involved, my ankle issues were completely resolved. My knee feels better than it has in years!

Indeed, I now enjoy a freedom from pain and swelling which has been very liberating. I have returned to my prior level of activity, and recently was able to participate in a fund-raising hike, walking what I estimate to be four to five kilometers without discomfort, and without having to rest along the way. That would definitely not have been possible prior to receiving treatment, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to experience this amazing technology. Thank you, everyone at LaserHealth® Solutions, I anticipate that countless others will continue to be blessed by the healing benefits of Low Intensity Laser Therapy.

Bonnie D., B.C.
