Gale M.
Gale M.

“I was walking my dog one cold day (-20°C) carrying a water bottle and I got a cramp in my hand that just wouldn't go away.The doctor thought it was tendonitis and used the term “over use injury”. I strained a muscle in my hand I thought.

He gave me an anti-inflammatory (Celebrex) for it, which helped as long as I continued taking it.Unfortunately as soon as I stopped the medication the pain returned.I spent two months in a hand therapy clinic - it helped a little but the pain would return whenever I used my hands again.I then tried two months of Active Release Therapy, which helped a bit but still it was not gone.

The whole process took about one year.I saw the LaserHealth® Solutions sign that said they worked with soft tissue injuries and decided to give it a try.I had eight treatments over one month and I was better, I couldn't believe it!

Today, seven months later, I am still fine.My hand doesn't hurt a bit.I started a new baking business one-month ago called “Sprinkles Cupcakery”.Things are progressing nicely with the business, however, am now being treated for a injury to my arm from the repetitive strain of mixing cupcake batter.Business is great, but my arm isn't.I'm sure I'll experience the same success in my arm as I had with my hand.”

Gale M.
