
“I slipped in Sept. 2007 and twisted my knee. In November I went to see the Dr. as I had started curling and my knee was hurting. He did an x-ray and couldn't see anything. He sent me for an MRI which happened in April, 2008. It showed I had a tear in my ACL. I got to see a Specialist in November, 2008. He did not want to do surgery. So I persisted with the curling season wrapping my knee when I curled. When it really hurt was at night. In May I decided to try Laser Therapy. My brother-in-law in Regina had laser on his shoulder and he swore by it. So I didn't think it would hurt. When I met with Blaine he thought that I might need 20 sessions, but they would evaluate after 10 sessions. I had 6 sessions with Janet and I said to her, ”I have no more pain at night.” She said I was finished. I wouldn't need anymore therapy. It is now 2 weeks later and I am still pain free. I walk and play golf with no pain. I would recommend laser treatments to anyone who is experiencing pain. The therapy did not repair my tear, but it did take away the inflammation and the pain. I'm glad I went. I will go back if the pain starts up again.”

