Although the road to a life of lesser pain was somewhat longer than anticipated, throughout the journey the care and dedication of the team at LaserHealth® Solutions was exemplary.From the friendly voice at reception, through the ingenuity with which treatment plans are formulated, to the genuine patience with which they are administered the level of care given by this team is impressive.If you have the determination to be in less pain then these people have the skill and dedication to stick with you and to get you there.

Janette V.

Case History

A 54 year old health care professional, who had had non-specific lower back pain for one year, sat for two hours in an upright position in a non-reclining airplane seat.On landing she was unable to stand without a left-sided tilt and experienced intense left-sided sciatic pain with hypersensitivity of the entire left dermatome through to the toes.An MRI, three months later, indicated a herniated disc at L5-S1 with impingement of the left S1 nerve root.

Pain killers, pain modifiers, anti-inflammatory drugs and sleeping pills enabled maximal functioning.A spinal root nerve block, at 5 months, provided 48 hours of pain relief and a steroid epidural, at 8 months, increased the area of pain.

Initial physiotherapy of 2 twice weekly visits brought temporary acute pain relief by dry needles, TENS, manual massage and the application of wet heat. Subsequent physiotherapy of 1 biweekly visits consisted of spinal manipulation, dry needles and an emphasis on rehabilitation physiotherapy to restore lost functioning.

At 12 months subsequent to the initial injury LaserHealth® Solutions were contacted on the recommendation of a dental hygienist.A surgical consult at 22 months post injury indicated the patient to be suitable for surgery but the MRI revealed the herniated disc to have resolved although pain caused by the damaged nerve persisted.
