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About the Clinic & Therapy


The Calgary clinic opened in 2004 and has successfully treated thousands of people for conditions such as tendonitis, sciatica, cervical and shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, low back pain, TMJ syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and arthritis. Treatments are a combination of laser therapy and manual therapy.

Laser therapy is proven to help reduce or eliminate inflammation. Light photons are deeply absorbed by soft tissue, stimulating physiological effects necessary to healing. It is a painless, noninvasive therapy which can help restore normal cell function and enhance the body’s healing processes.

The manual work provided by the therapists includes Manual Osteopathic Therapy, Somatics, Onsen® Therapy and Massage Therapy Techniques. These are used to assess and correct structural and functional imbalances. Improved musculoskeletal balance means the reduction or elimination of pain, an increased range of motion and the release of entrapped nerves or trigger points.

The cost is $131+GST per visit. An assessment is included in the first visit at no extra charge and each visit takes just under an hour. You are one-on-one with the therapist the whole time. You won't just be receiving laser therapy. Laser therapy is an important part of the treatment because of its ability to reduce or eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The manual therapy is just as important because these techniques deal with the structural and muscular reasons why the pain and inflammation started. Laser Health Solutions has developed a unique therapy program using Osteopathic techniques, Laser Therapy, Somatics, and Massage Therapy that you won't find anywhere else. On average, only ten treatments are needed.

If you have insurance benefits which allow you to see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you can claim reimbursement for Laser Health Solutions treatments when you see one of our RMTs. If you have any of the following insurance and are able to see a Manual Osteopathic Therapist (DMO), you are able to claim reimbursement when treated by one of our osteopaths: Blue Cross, Desjardins, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Canada Life, Greenshield, Manulife or Sunlife.


Blaine Skleryk

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor, Certified Clinical Somatics Educator

Andrew Montgomery

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist

Anoop Nair

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Sunder Palaniyandi

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Chelsea Morrison

Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist.

Kathryn Belsher

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Somatics Educator


Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday9:00am - 5:00pm



Cassy Lewis

Andrew Baron


LaserHealth Solutions
2539 5 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 0T4 Canada


Knee Pain


“I am an octogenarian with 88 years of experience. As a younger man I was involved in a lot of sports, wrestling, football and hockey were my favorites. I also spent some time in the Navy were I had a wooden crate hit me in the knee in heavy seas. As a result I was left with a lot of wear and tear in both my knees. The doctor likes to call it arthritis; I just call it sore. I had two stiff knees. It was difficult for me to walk and harder for me to go up or down stairs and off curbs. In fact I fell once stepping down off a sidewalk crossing the road and buggered up my shoulder for a while. I decided I had to do something about my stiff… View the whole post

Condition(s): Arthritis, Knee Pain


Calvin Y.
Calvin Y.

“I injured my right biceps (tendonitis) about 6 months ago from working out in the gym.I felt the pain every time when I try lifting something and I was frustrated because the pain was disrupting my upper body workout routine.While I was driving to work one morning, I heard about the LaserHealth® Solutions from NEWS 1130AM and I decided to check it out.

I was a little skeptical initially, but amazingly just after the third visit, I started to feel an improvement on my right biceps.I could now start doing my biceps curl exercise again and I would strongly recommend everybody with soft tissue injuries to seek the Laser Therapy for speedy recovery.”

Calvin Y.

Condition(s): Tendinitis or Tendonitis, Arthritis

Knee Pain

For the last 6 months my knees have been quite sore. I was on a cruise and I mentioned to my husband that they were sore, so I took some Tylenol and tried to forget about them. My doctor wanted me to have a cortisone shot, but I did not want to have one as I had heard a lot of negative things about them. I stuck with the Tylenol, and eventually stopped taking it too, as I do not like to have to take medications. My husband read about LHS and told me about it. My doctor did not know much about laser, but told me that I had nothing to loose. So I went ahead and tried it out. After the first 2 treatments for the osteoarthritis, I saw relief. Now I… View the whole post

Condition(s): Arthritis, Knee Pain

Supraspinatus Tendonitis

Anthonia, 85 years of age presented to our office with left shoulder pain that she had been suffering with for 1 month following a car accident. She had 10 treatments and this is what she had to say.

I definitely feel my arm is much improved. I have less pain after each treatment and can now lift my arm up over my head. I have been recommending laser treatment to many of my friends and anyone else who may have a need for laser treatment.


Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries, Sprains and Strains

Shoulder Pain


“My right shoulder pain started over one year ago and was progressively getting worse. My job requires me to carry a heavy tool box and this would continuously re-aggravate my shoulder. My sleep was interrupted due to the pain and I would go on with my daily activities feeling very tired.

One day on the radio I heard an ad about Laser Therapy and I decided to give it a try. The results were amazing. After 10 visits, the long-time pain that I had no longer bothers me. I'm able to sleep better and I can even carry my kids, something that I was unable to do for over 1 year.

I'm now fully confident with Laser Therapy and will be back for sure if I have another injury.”


Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries

Lower Back Injury

I had been suffering from an acute low back injury for 1 week before coming to LaserHealth® Solutions. I saw very fast and effective results after just 6 laser treatments. The pain went from a very high level to very minimal pain, what a great alternative to drugs.

Because of this I would highly recommend Laser Therapy to anyone with a low back injury


Condition(s): Back Pain

Shoulder Injury

I had injured my shoulder a few times in the past, and when I re-injured it again in June, I was really upset because I love to golf and I didn't want to miss another year of golfing because of it. It was so sore that I could not hit the ball without pain and my shots were all over the place. I heard about LaserHealth® Solutions and decided to give them a try. The first few treatments made things worse, my arm ached more than before, and I wondered if this was really going to work. But I decided to stay the course and after a few more treatments the pain began to diminish and I had much better mobility in my shoulder. After just 8… View the whole post

Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries

Hand Soft Tissue Inflammation

Gale M.
Gale M.

“I was walking my dog one cold day (-20°C) carrying a water bottle and I got a cramp in my hand that just wouldn't go away.The doctor thought it was tendonitis and used the term “over use injury”. I strained a muscle in my hand I thought.

He gave me an anti-inflammatory (Celebrex) for it, which helped as long as I continued taking it.Unfortunately as soon as I stopped the medication the pain returned.I spent two months in a hand therapy clinic - it helped a little but the pain would return whenever I used my hands again.I then tried two months of Active Release Therapy, which helped a bit but still it… View the whole post

Condition(s): Sprains and Strains, Repetitive Stress Injuries, Arthritis


I had tried various treatments to rectify a previous injury to my mid-back. (Whiplash) Recently, I was referred to the LaserHealth® Solutions clinic by a previous patient. Despite my initial skepticism, I found my back regained flexibility and that chronic stiffness was significantly reduced. The Laser Therapy combined with Amphy's manual work were the right mix for me.

Thank you.


Condition(s): Whiplash

Low Back Injury


“Last July while lifting stuff out of the back of my pickup truck I hurt my lower back. At first it wasn't that bad so I just went about my day and ignored it. As time progressed the pain intensified until I was taking painkillers and seeking aid from Chiropractic, Acupuncture and a Physiotherapist. My physiotherapist eventually referred me to LaserHealth® Solutions.

I was at a point where the pain was so bad in my back that I could not lay down and was forced to sleep in a chair. I had to walk bent forward at a 45° angle just to gain a little relief and could no longer work. I had an MRI done on my lower back that showed a… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain