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About the Clinic & Therapy


The Calgary clinic opened in 2004 and has successfully treated thousands of people for conditions such as tendonitis, sciatica, cervical and shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, low back pain, TMJ syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and arthritis. Treatments are a combination of laser therapy and manual therapy.

Laser therapy is proven to help reduce or eliminate inflammation. Light photons are deeply absorbed by soft tissue, stimulating physiological effects necessary to healing. It is a painless, noninvasive therapy which can help restore normal cell function and enhance the body’s healing processes.

The manual work provided by the therapists includes Manual Osteopathic Therapy, Somatics, Onsen® Therapy and Massage Therapy Techniques. These are used to assess and correct structural and functional imbalances. Improved musculoskeletal balance means the reduction or elimination of pain, an increased range of motion and the release of entrapped nerves or trigger points.

The cost is $131+GST per visit. An assessment is included in the first visit at no extra charge and each visit takes just under an hour. You are one-on-one with the therapist the whole time. You won't just be receiving laser therapy. Laser therapy is an important part of the treatment because of its ability to reduce or eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The manual therapy is just as important because these techniques deal with the structural and muscular reasons why the pain and inflammation started. Laser Health Solutions has developed a unique therapy program using Osteopathic techniques, Laser Therapy, Somatics, and Massage Therapy that you won't find anywhere else. On average, only ten treatments are needed.

If you have insurance benefits which allow you to see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you can claim reimbursement for Laser Health Solutions treatments when you see one of our RMTs. If you have any of the following insurance and are able to see a Manual Osteopathic Therapist (DMO), you are able to claim reimbursement when treated by one of our osteopaths: Blue Cross, Desjardins, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Canada Life, Greenshield, Manulife or Sunlife.


Blaine Skleryk

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor, Certified Clinical Somatics Educator

Andrew Montgomery

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist

Anoop Nair

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Sunder Palaniyandi

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Chelsea Morrison

Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist.

Kathryn Belsher

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Somatics Educator


Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday9:00am - 5:00pm



Cassy Lewis

Andrew Baron


LaserHealth Solutions
2539 5 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 0T4 Canada


Knee Osteoarthritis

Lois B.
Lois B.

“I have been doing Laser Therapy on my osteoarthritic knees now for two years.The first time I had 10 treatments over 5 weeks and was able to leave my power wheel chair in the corner of my apartment.I was able to spend much more time outdoors walking with my friends and going grocery shopping.The first set of treatments lasted for about 8 months, then the pain started to come back.I found I wasn‘t able to move around as easily as I had enjoyed from my first laser I went back and took 7 more treatment sessions and restored my ability to walk and be active for 6 more months.I have gotten spoiled… View the whole post

Condition(s): Arthritis

Arthritis (Hand)

I came in with hand and finger pain and swelling (arthritis) and could no longer use them without pain. After just a few laser sessions, I have gotten rid of most of the pain and swelling and can now go back to doing what I love best: flower arrangements!

Roxanne L.

Condition(s): Arthritis

Knee (Post Surgical)

In 22, I had partial knee replacements - the inside half of each knee. The right knee was inflamed since the surgery and this summer (26) the inflammation became worse. There was a lot of pain from the knee to the foot. My doctor sent me to physiotherapy and I had six treatments for a nerve trapped by the inflammation. I also tried acupuncture and chiropractic but the pain relief was only temporary. I couldn't sleep because of the pain, couldn't do stairs or do the things I usually do.

After 4 or 5 Laser Therapy treatments, the pain was gone. The therapist, Amphy, found I had a shin splint on the same leg and she treated that also.

Thanks for the relief from pain and being able to walk and move pain free!

Lorraine S.

Condition(s): Injuries (Burns, Cuts, or Trauma)

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Surinder G
Surinder G

“I have had arthritis in my knees for over 10 years. My physician was not very helpful in treating my pain. Over the years, I have tried many treatments, none have really helped. The exceptions being LaKota rub and the laser treatments. The laser treatments have reduced the inflammation in my knees and legs. The flexibility in my knees has improved allowing me to walk longer, more comfortable, and without pain.”

Surinder G.

Condition(s): Arthritis

Heel Spur

I came to LaserHealth® Solutions walking, limping really, with excruciating pain. The first steps in the morning were debilitating and by the end of the day, my foot was burning in pain.

I felt a noticeable change after the 3rd laser treatment. It didn't hurt as much. As I continued my treatments, the improvement gradually increased. And then, for the first time in 4 months, I woke up one morning and didn't feel any pain!

It's a good thing I found LaserHealth® Solutions on the Internet. I'm so pleased with the results.


Condition(s): Heel Spurs

Reoccuring Low Back Pain

Jann D.
Jann D.

“Every few years, for the last 12 years, I would experience excruciating back pain to the point where I couldn't move.This last June, my back went out.I treated it as usual with physiotherapy and massage.It did help.However, I was limited as to what I could do.I couldn't do any running and not a lot of walking. I had gradually come to a point where I was almost 100% and then in October I was running out of a building and stepped on somebody's roller blade that was left in the middle of the floor.I flipped backwards and fell down hard on my back.I was in so much pain, even physiotherapy wasn't helping.I… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain

Blunt Trauma

I had a loss of sensation in the skin of my left lower back/glutial area due to a water accident in 1973. I was run over by a boat while swimming, and the Kiel of the outboard motor struck the left side of my lower back leaving an indent of the skin deep into the muscle below. There was no cut, just a lot of severe bruising and some internal bleeding. Over the years it healed not to badly, but I was left with a constant dull achy feeling in the muscle with a numb sensation on the surface of the skin. The point were the skin was indented into the muscle was always very tight and had a plastic feeling. When I was in for laser treatments for… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain


Mikenzie P.
Mikenzie P.

“I have tried many other treatments including pain relievers but I found that I couldn't function well while taking them. Various doctors had told me that there was little that could be done for me outside of surgery and that it would probably be many months before I could even speak with a neurosurgeon. Due to the pain, I didn't want to drive and I couldn't sleep through the night. I felt hopeless but since I've started laser treatment the change has been just amazing. The pain is 60%-70% reduced which has allowed me to start driving again and sleep a full night.

I've been going to LaserHealth® Solutions for three to four weeks.… View the whole post

Condition(s): Whiplash, Neck Pain

Low Back Pain From An Injury

Photo: Bob H.
Photo: Bob H.

“About six years ago I was in the process of obtaining my black belt. While doing so, I injured my lower back around the hip area. The pain from the injury was progressively getting worse and while other therapies provided me with off and on relief, nothing was really totally effective. I was still waking up at night and my lifestyle was being impaired. I was determined to avoid seeking a pharmaceutical remedy.

When I started laser treatments at LaserHealth® Solutions my mobility was near zero. However, after the course of treatments I am quite improved and able to sleep though the night. Thanks to the treatment I am now able to work on exercises to prevent re-injury of the area.”

Bob F.

Condition(s): Back Pain

Thoracic muscle inflammation

Chantal D.
Chantal D.

“I developed a mysterious pain in my mid-back in the early spring.I can't remember how I may have gotten this problem, but oh boy did it hurt!It was nagging me for about three months before I found out about LaserHealth® Solutions.The pain would start in the center of my back just below the shoulder blade, and would radiate out to the right side the more active I remained.I love to hike, and this problem was not allowing me to enjoy my favorite pass time.At times it would be so bad that I would need to sit down for up to a half-hour after only 60 minutes of walking in the mall.I was told that I may need… View the whole post

Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries