
Ankle Injury

What a difference Laser Therapy has made to my quality of life in terms of my ankle pain. In just a few treatments I gained more mobility and range of motion but more importantly there was a reduction in pain and swelling.

I look forward to obtaining a full recovery and getting back to my usual activities.

G. Bromley, B.C.

Condition(s): Injuries (Burns, Cuts, or Trauma)

Achilles Tendonitis

I came to Laser Therapy for Achilles tendonitis. All my inquiries were answered in depth by Michelle. Before I came to therapy, I was limping and had to go upstairs one step at a time, and walking up an incline greatly aggravated this problem. I have now had 7 sessions and I am feeling approximately 80% better. I can now do most of the activities that I did before. Thanks again to Dr. Rob, Michelle and the staff.

Barry L.

Condition(s): Tendinitis or Tendonitis, Arthritis

Trigeminal Neuralgia

“After visiting my dentist, to have old fillings replaced, I suffered from severe jaw pain for three weeks.So bad I could not eat or sleep, I was delighted to hear that laser treatments could help this.Since I already am having treatments on my leg and foot for swelling, I wanted to try this.One treatment on my jaw and now I am in no pain.To think I went three weeks in agony, only to have no pain in less than 1 hour of laser treatment.What a relief!

Lorraine H.0

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Sharon R. W.
Sharon R. W.

“I'm a 60-year-old mother who recently retired from the Federal Government after 30 years of repetitive typing on manual to electric typewriters and then to the computers. The

repetitive motion caused pain up and down my left arm, wrist and fingers. I‘ve been to a neurologist for possible nerve damage to my left arm and/or elbow. I‘ve had acupuncture, neck and back adjustments, physical and occupational therapy; however, I was still experiencing this very dull electrifying pain.

During the Christmas holidays, my son told me about this doctor that deals with laser treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome and the next time I…View More

Condition(s): Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Repetitive Stress Injuries, Neck Pain

Osteoarthritis of the Knee

I'm a 60-year-old mother who was very active in sports playing volley ball, basketball, softball, football, and baseball and a high school cheerleader. Over the years running up and down the football field cheering for my sons. My knees have experience some major wear and tear! I have had two orthopedic scope procedures performed on my left knee for torn cartilage. The severe cause for the pain is the climbing up and down steps. Steps are not my best friends! I'm receiving treatment from a podaitric, orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, chiropractor, and acupuncture.

On June 22, I returned to BC for a visit with my son and family and I accepted…View More

Condition(s): Arthritis

Golfer Elbow and Neck Pain

I like to lead a fairly active lifestyle, working out 3-4 times per week and golfing a couple of games per week. The more active I am the more prone I am to injury. True to form, my golfer's elbow started from golfing. I had this burning pain for about 7 months where I just wasn't having any fun out on the course. I also had a bad case of Achilles Tendonitis that flared up from a lot of hill walking for fitness training about 4 years earlier. This was a real problem because the pain varied from dull ache to sharp stabbing pain every time I stood up from a chair or when I was walking. I was advised by my personal trainer to give Laser…View More

Condition(s): Tennis and Golfer's Elbow, Neck Pain, Arthritis

Groin Injury

I felt a tweak in my groin during training camp. I played the first game and wrapped it up after but my leg had swollen up immensely and the next day it was black and blue. I've never had an injury like that before, but Mark Washington told me about Laser Therapy so then I met with Dr. Rob. I've never seen anything turn around that fast before in my life, I was quite happy. The trainer was quite surprised at the speed of the recovery. I would recommend the therapy to anybody that suffers a soft tissue injury.

Paul McCallum #4
BC Lions Football Club

Condition(s): Injuries (Burns, Cuts, or Trauma), Sprains and Strains

Hyper-Extended Knee

Mark Washington #23
Mark Washington #23

“A year ago during a game I took some big hits and broke my collar bone. I thought it would put me out for the rest of the season but then I went to Dr Rob.About 5 weeks later I was fine and on the 6th week I was playing again.

Recently I hyper-extended my knee.I went for treatment immediately after which theswelling went down and in a few days I was back playing again.It really sped up the healing and recovery.I did the same injury two years ago and I had to miss the following game but with this I was hurt on Monday and able to play on Friday. I'm a believer now.”

Mark Washington #23
Defensive Back
BC Lions Football Clubvr76.jpg

Condition(s): Knee Pain, Injuries (Burns, Cuts, or Trauma)

Herniated Disc

Gilles B.
Gilles B.

“I had lower back pain around L4-L5 due to a herniated disc.I‘ve tried acupuncture, chiro, medication, a nerve block, exercise, and stretching with limited success.

I received a brochure in the mail and thought I would give it a try.Initially I was quite skeptical but in only three weeks I‘ve went from being able to walk for just two minutes then rest for two minutes to walking for six kilometers with just a few stops to rest.It has been going very well and I have three more weeks of treatments left.”

Gilles B.

Condition(s): Herniated Discs, Back Pain

Frozen Shoulder

I came for laser treatments after many other treatments had been ineffective. I was taking prescription anti-inflammatories and unable to sleep well due to that. I had been suffering for about 6 months prior to coming. After 3 treatments the pain was gone and I was able to stop the meds. I started noticing a better range of motion at treatment 5 or 6. I was given a few exercises to do along with the laser and the combination has given me a huge improvement. I am starting to return to a normal life being able to use that shoulder to do most things now. I am confident that very soon I will be at 100%.

Linda S. B.C.

Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries
