
Stress Fracture - Left Tibia


“I suffered a stress fracture from playing tennis and basketball over a year ago.Over the course of a year I tried many healing methods including a full leg cast, an air cast, ointments, pills, and rest and I felt no progress…until now.I have had 10 treatments at LaserHealth® Solutions and I now have comfort in my daily activities and will be returning to activity.I have Dr. Rob and his delightful team to thank for my quick recovery.Thanks for the help, health and hope you've all given me.”


Condition(s): Fractures

Back Pain from Heavy Suitcase

I am 69 years old and I hurt my back lifting a suitcase preparing for a visit to the USA. I was unable to stand, sit or lie down and was in great pain. I am apprehensive of taking pain killers as I had donated one kidney a few years back and don't want to risk losing the one I have. I tried some ointment and heat fomentation but it did not work.

My son saw the advertisement in the Now' newspaper and we decided to try the treatment. After six sittings I did not regret coming to see Dr. Rob. After ten sittings I have no pain at all and am feeling absolutely normal and am planning to retake my visit.

Dr. Rob has a superb team working with him. Thank you to them all.


Condition(s): Back Pain

Knee Injury


“I slipped in Sept. 2007 and twisted my knee. In November I went to see the Dr. as I had started curling and my knee was hurting. He did an x-ray and couldn't see anything. He sent me for an MRI which happened in April, 2008. It showed I had a tear in my ACL. I got to see a Specialist in November, 2008. He did not want to do surgery. So I persisted with the curling season wrapping my knee when I curled. When it really hurt was at night. In May I decided to try Laser Therapy. My brother-in-law in Regina had laser on his shoulder and he swore by it. So I didn't think it would hurt. When I met with Blaine he thought that I might need 20 sessions, but…View More

Condition(s): Knee Pain

Plantar Fasciitis and Broken Bone

I have had problems with the heels of my feet for many years due to planters fasciitis. Many of my vacations were a bust, because I couldn't keep up or walk very far without being in so much pain. I tried orthotics and that was only a short fix. In no time at all, I was in pain again and out $5..

I saw an ad in a paper for LaserHealth® Therapy and thought, what have I got to lose? I underwent the treatments, and I feel great, and I am able to walk properly. I didn't think I could wear flip flops or sandals again that didn't have a big foam cushion. (which I may add were not that attractive)

A few months after the treatment, I broke the…View More

Condition(s): Plantar Fasciitis, Fractures

Dislocated Shoulder


“Nearly 3 weeks ago I dislocated my shoulder playing hockey.I was told by the ER doctor to keep my arm in the sling for about 3 weeks and to not do any physical activity for at least 6 weeks.Already knowing about the success of Laser Therapy from a past injury I started with Dr. Rob right away.After 5 treatments over about a week and a half my arm was out of my sling and starting to regain mobility.With no pain, I plan to return to hockey after only missing 2 weeks.It WORKS!!!!Thanks Dr. Rob and everyone at LaserHealth® Solutions!”


Condition(s): Shoulder Pain and Injuries

Osteoarthritis of the Lumbar Spine

I received treatment for Sciatica - very, very painful condition. After a series of laser treatments I am now back to normal. After having laid low', so to speak, for such a long time I am very happy with the results and the excellent kindness of the caregivers.

North Delta

Condition(s): Back Pain

Neck - C6-C7 Nerve Root Irritation


“I awoke Easter Sunday with unbearable pain running down my left arm, constant and in waves. On Monday I went into a medical walk in clinic as I couldn't wait to see my family doctor as the pain was so intense. I was given 2 painkillers and a recommendation to receive physiotherapy treatment. I went to physiotherapy 4 times but did not get much relief and I didn't want to be on pain killers because of the side effects. I remembered the ad in the local paper concerning laser treatment and I came to LaserHealth® Solutions. I really started to feel the effects of pain relief after 4-5 sessions. I remained on Turmeric pills…View More

Condition(s): Whiplash

Low Back Injury

Robert C.
Robert C.

“I injured my right side of the lower back and pelvis from falling off a horse. I had acute pain on the lower back muscle and the buttock area and I could not walk with my back straight; sitting down and getting up from a chair was a big challenge and not to mention putting on my pants without sharp pain. I had very little flexibility since. The doctor from the emergence center told me that I had neither broken bone nor hair line fracture on my spine, and he prescribed me Advil and ice pack and send me home.

I appreciated Suzanne at LaserHealth® Solutions allowing me to see Blaine right away. I was told that my pelvic was rotated outward…View More

Condition(s): Back Pain

Tried Everything For Low Back Pain

After years of chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy appointments, and specialized exercise and stretching regimens, I had become reconciled to periods of relative pain free activity followed by some sort of innocent activity that would aggravate my whole condition: turning suddenly, bending over to tie my shoes, getting up from the couch, sleeping the wrong way'. This last time I felt a wrenching crunch that went down my right buttock and into my leg while lifting a box that couldn't have weighed more than 5 kilograms. I was hobbling around like a one legged pirate! It even hurt to sneeze or cough. I made my first appointment after…View More

Condition(s): Back Pain

Plantar Fasciitis Corrected in a Few Months

Viktoria N.
Viktoria N.

“8 months ago, pain began in my heel. I took a lot of medicine, I wear orthotics in my shoes but there was no change, the pain was getting worse. Then, 3 months ago, I came to Laser Therapy. Ten treatments later and I didn't feel much change, but after 10 more treatments my heel was much better. Now after 22 treatments my pain is gone, I'm so happy, I can walk again! Thank you very much Dr. Rob and staff for helping me. I can live again! It is a big gift for me for Easter.”

Viktoria N.

Condition(s): Plantar Fasciitis
