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About the Clinic & Therapy


The Calgary clinic opened in 2004 and has successfully treated thousands of people for conditions such as tendonitis, sciatica, cervical and shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, low back pain, TMJ syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and arthritis. Treatments are a combination of laser therapy and manual therapy.

Laser therapy is proven to help reduce or eliminate inflammation. Light photons are deeply absorbed by soft tissue, stimulating physiological effects necessary to healing. It is a painless, noninvasive therapy which can help restore normal cell function and enhance the body’s healing processes.

The manual work provided by the therapists includes Manual Osteopathic Therapy, Somatics, Onsen® Therapy and Massage Therapy Techniques. These are used to assess and correct structural and functional imbalances. Improved musculoskeletal balance means the reduction or elimination of pain, an increased range of motion and the release of entrapped nerves or trigger points.

The cost is $131+GST per visit. An assessment is included in the first visit at no extra charge and each visit takes just under an hour. You are one-on-one with the therapist the whole time. You won't just be receiving laser therapy. Laser therapy is an important part of the treatment because of its ability to reduce or eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The manual therapy is just as important because these techniques deal with the structural and muscular reasons why the pain and inflammation started. Laser Health Solutions has developed a unique therapy program using Osteopathic techniques, Laser Therapy, Somatics, and Massage Therapy that you won't find anywhere else. On average, only ten treatments are needed.

If you have insurance benefits which allow you to see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you can claim reimbursement for Laser Health Solutions treatments when you see one of our RMTs. If you have any of the following insurance and are able to see a Manual Osteopathic Therapist (DMO), you are able to claim reimbursement when treated by one of our osteopaths: Blue Cross, Desjardins, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Canada Life, Greenshield, Manulife or Sunlife.


Blaine Skleryk

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor, Certified Clinical Somatics Educator

Andrew Montgomery

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist

Anoop Nair

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Sunder Palaniyandi

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Chelsea Morrison

Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist.

Kathryn Belsher

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Somatics Educator


Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday9:00am - 5:00pm



Cassy Lewis

Andrew Baron


LaserHealth Solutions
2539 5 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 0T4 Canada


Achilles Tendonitis

My Achilles tendonitis was progressively getting worse over the past 4 years. I found an ad in the paper for LaserHealth® Solutions and 10 treatments later the pain is gone.

I didn't think anything was happening until about the sixth treatment, but after that it healed up quick. It does work, and next I'm getting my plantar fasciitis treated. I can't wait!

Thanks Dr. Rob

Ian C.

Condition(s): Tendinitis or Tendonitis, Arthritis

Vacation From Plantar Fasciitis


“Although not diagnosed until my initial assessment at LaserHealth® Solutions, my plantar fasciitis had flared up on an irregular basis for some time, particularly while we vacationed during the summer and I was walking in bare feet.

The pain in my left heel, primarily evident in the mornings, definitely slowed me down on the walk to the ”biffy” from our campsite, with some really close calls!

My wife and I noticed a number of service providers recommending Laser Therapy for treatment of plantar fasciitis when we attended the PNE this year. A few days after that, I read an ad in our local paper for LaserHealth®… View the whole post

Condition(s): Plantar Fasciitis

Life On Hold Due To Low Back Pain

Jim C.
Jim C.

“At 59 years of age, and severe pain in my lower back, my life was at a standstill.Work was difficult, golf impossible; life in general was going downhill.I've tried many different things to help my pain; nothing worked or just temporarily worked.Laser treatment for me is the answer.The first 5 treatments saw little results.Then the pain started to decrease.Now I'm almost back to 100% of my early self.

Thank you LaserHealth® Solutions.”

Jim C.

Condition(s): Back Pain

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Lorne P.
Lorne P.

“I would like to take this opportunity to highly recommend LaserHealth® Solutions.Prior to commencing treatment I was having recurring pain in my shoulder, which left me unable to perform even the most routine daily chores.My physician prescribed medication which did not solve the problem.Since undergoing Laser Therapy I now find my shoulder is back to normal and I am even back to doing my regular exercise regime.I cannot thank the staff at LaserHealth® Solutions enough.”

Lorne P.

Condition(s): Sprains and Strains, Shoulder Pain and Injuries, Back Pain

Enjoying My Motorcycle Without Low Back Pain


“My husband and I were planning to ride our motorbikes, with a group of friends, from Calgary to the wine region in Osoyoos, B.C. The morning before the day we were to

leave, I awoke with a twinge in my back that worsened over the course of the day, to the point that I could not even take a step without gasping. That evening, we had a meeting with a coordinator who facilitated a planning process for our son. She saw my dilemma and shared that she had a similar problem addressed successfully by a clinic called LaserHealth® Solutions. In desperation, I called but they were fully booked...however,… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain

Osteoarthritis of the Knee


“I was experiencing pain and swelling in my left knee.Sitting for any extended period of time resulted in stiffness and I would be in pain when I stood or started walking.

After 10 laser treatments there was noticeable improvement and upon completion of 16 treatments the results were remarkable and I would rate my knee at a 95%.

I found the laser treatments an excellent alternative to medications/surgery and would highly recommend a consultation with the knowledgeable staff before pursuing any further forms of therapy or medication.


Condition(s): Knee Pain, Arthritis

Patella Femoral Syndrome (Bilateral)

I'm very pleased and happy with the results from the laser treatments.Being a triathlete for 9 years now my 29 season was being compromised by really bad pain on both my knees. Laser treatment helped me to get back training, back running and finishing my 9th season as a triathlete.


Condition(s): Knee Pain



“In September of 2008. I was involved in a motor vehicle accident and sustained injuries to my neck (whiplash), back, shoulders and hips. After nine months of frequent ongoing visits to my Family Doctor, Chiropractor and Massage Therapist, I was still having a lot pain and discomfort. Primarily in my shoulder and hip. All of my current doctors and therapists had advised me to be more patient and in time I would get better. I was not willing to keep waiting? I was already disappointed with how long it had already been since the accident. Feeling angry and defeated because I wanted to have my life back.

I was recommended to LaserHealth®… View the whole post

Condition(s): Whiplash, Neck Pain

Stress Fracture - Left Tibia


“I suffered a stress fracture from playing tennis and basketball over a year ago.Over the course of a year I tried many healing methods including a full leg cast, an air cast, ointments, pills, and rest and I felt no progress…until now.I have had 10 treatments at LaserHealth® Solutions and I now have comfort in my daily activities and will be returning to activity.I have Dr. Rob and his delightful team to thank for my quick recovery.Thanks for the help, health and hope you've all given me.”


Condition(s): Fractures

Back Pain from Heavy Suitcase

I am 69 years old and I hurt my back lifting a suitcase preparing for a visit to the USA. I was unable to stand, sit or lie down and was in great pain. I am apprehensive of taking pain killers as I had donated one kidney a few years back and don't want to risk losing the one I have. I tried some ointment and heat fomentation but it did not work.

My son saw the advertisement in the Now' newspaper and we decided to try the treatment. After six sittings I did not regret coming to see Dr. Rob. After ten sittings I have no pain at all and am feeling absolutely normal and am planning to retake my visit.

Dr. Rob has a superb team working with him. Thank you to them all.


Condition(s): Back Pain