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About the Clinic & Therapy


The Calgary clinic opened in 2004 and has successfully treated thousands of people for conditions such as tendonitis, sciatica, cervical and shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, low back pain, TMJ syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and arthritis. Treatments are a combination of laser therapy and manual therapy.

Laser therapy is proven to help reduce or eliminate inflammation. Light photons are deeply absorbed by soft tissue, stimulating physiological effects necessary to healing. It is a painless, noninvasive therapy which can help restore normal cell function and enhance the body’s healing processes.

The manual work provided by the therapists includes Manual Osteopathic Therapy, Somatics, Onsen® Therapy and Massage Therapy Techniques. These are used to assess and correct structural and functional imbalances. Improved musculoskeletal balance means the reduction or elimination of pain, an increased range of motion and the release of entrapped nerves or trigger points.

The cost is $131+GST per visit. An assessment is included in the first visit at no extra charge and each visit takes just under an hour. You are one-on-one with the therapist the whole time. You won't just be receiving laser therapy. Laser therapy is an important part of the treatment because of its ability to reduce or eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The manual therapy is just as important because these techniques deal with the structural and muscular reasons why the pain and inflammation started. Laser Health Solutions has developed a unique therapy program using Osteopathic techniques, Laser Therapy, Somatics, and Massage Therapy that you won't find anywhere else. On average, only ten treatments are needed.

If you have insurance benefits which allow you to see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you can claim reimbursement for Laser Health Solutions treatments when you see one of our RMTs. If you have any of the following insurance and are able to see a Manual Osteopathic Therapist (DMO), you are able to claim reimbursement when treated by one of our osteopaths: Blue Cross, Desjardins, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Canada Life, Greenshield, Manulife or Sunlife.


Blaine Skleryk

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor, Certified Clinical Somatics Educator

Andrew Montgomery

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist

Anoop Nair

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Sunder Palaniyandi

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath

Chelsea Morrison

Manual Osteopath, Registered Massage Therapist.

Kathryn Belsher

Registered Massage Therapist, Manual Osteopath, Somatics Educator


Monday8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday9:00am - 5:00pm



Cassy Lewis

Andrew Baron


LaserHealth Solutions
2539 5 Avenue NW
Calgary, AB, T2N 0T4 Canada


Back Pain from Herniated and Degenerated Discs

Dear Mr. Skleryk,

I would like to share with you my positive experience regarding my recent visits to your clinic.

I was previously diagnosed with herniated and degenerated discs and was told by doctors that I required a complicated surgery that may result in serious side effects including loss of control of bowel activities. I was referred to the Laser Health Solution clinic by a friend and upon my first visit, I was pleasantly  surprised to see a big change in the severity of my pain and after 8 sessions I can say that I feel a lot better and the pain is not as severe as it was a few months ago. My pain was 8/10… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease, Herniated Discs

Extreme Foot Pain for Four Years

I have suffered off and on with extreme foot pain since 2012. Sometimes it was so bad I couldn’t walk and so we invested in a wheel chair. Sometimes I had to walk with a cane and sometimes in order to reach the bathroom I crawled from the couch, where I spent a lot of time. I didn’t want to be on anti-inflammatories anymore and after listening to Dave Rutherford many times on the radio I decided to contact Laser Health Solutions. That was a great decision. I worked with 2 of their therapists and can’t say enough about how hard they worked on my feet and how positive their attitude was that this treatment would work. After 9… View the whole post

Condition(s): Plantar Fasciitis

Post-Surgical Knee Replacement

My name is Donna, I am 63 years old and have used Laser Health Solutions twice now.

On August 11, 2015, I had a total knee replacement on my left side. I was referred to Laser Health Solutions by my son who had had shoulder surgery and had gone there and had great success. So three weeks after my surgery I started going for treatment. I went twice a week for 6 weeks. I had laser therapy and a lot of massage therapy. The pain was mostly in my thigh and in my calf and Blaine gave me several exercises to help with the therapy and I did a full recovery and returned to work full-time on October 3, 2015.

On July 20, 2016, I had a total knee… View the whole post

Condition(s): Knee Pain

Unique Testimonial From a Very Happy Client

Dave A. has been coming to us for back pain.He was so thrilled with his treatment that he gave us a rather unique testimonial in the form of a list.

Why Laser Health Solutions is a Professional Business Top to Bottom.

  1. Initial phone contact was excellent and courteous.Explained fee, expectation, parking, etc.
  2. Initial call and all calls were actually answered, and quickly.No ‘please leave a message.'
  3. Only a week to wait for assessment appointment.
  4. Appointment times are always as close to on time as humanly possible.Little to no waiting.
  5. When entering you are always treated to a cheerful greeting by reception… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain

Back Pain Gone After 10 Treatments

I want to let you know about my extraordinary experience with Laser Health.

My back had been sore on my left side for more than a year. I am very aware of my physical health, so I went looking for a practitioner that could help me. I tried massage, energy healing, and anything else I could find that might help like inflammation reducing creams. Nothing seemed to work. As the months rolled on the soreness became more acute such that I was in pain all day every day. This became very frustrating because I have a yoga practice six times a week and I walk several miles a week.

Listening to the radio, I heard Dave Rutherford advertising… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain

Low Back and Leg Pain For Years

Blaine and Suzanne

Please accept the following testimonial as a small thank you for your great service .

I have had severe pain in my lower back and legs for many years, and was unable to find help to address my pain. My life was at a stand still , I was unable to walk, climb stairs and could not sleep. The quality of my life was poor and diminishing. An acquaintance recommended Laser Health to me. What a life changing experience Laser Health Solutions has been. I no longer wear orthotics and I am free of pain and able to do the activities that I love. I highly recommend Laser Health and can not thank them enough for the kind professional treatment they gave me to restore a healthy pain free life.

Wendy W.

Condition(s): Back Pain

No More Numbness

Rose H.
Rose H.

“I started my laser treatments on March 5, 2015. I had 20 treatments on my wrists for Carpal Tunnel. I had no feeling in my fingers, and I couldn't hang onto anything with my right hand. I am now 100% better with no numbness! I found the laser treatments very successful!”

Rose H.

Condition(s): Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Nine Months Later and Still Doing Great

Beth H.
Beth H.

“At age 49, I experienced back trouble for the first time in my life, when my lower back seized up in September. I was diagnosed with two degenerative discs (that were bulging) in my lower back. I tried other therapies first that had helped my husband immensely when he got his herniated disc several years prior. I did gain the majority of my mobility back, however, my degenerating discs continued to worsen when one of the lower discs torn in November. My husband kept suggesting I try LaserHealth® Solutions, as they recently helped him with plantar fasciitis and his shoulder impingement. I kept putting… View the whole post

Condition(s): Back Pain, Tennis and Golfer's Elbow

Almost Better After One Visit and NO LIMPING

I've had foot pain off and on for years. About four months ago it started again, but this time it just wouldn't go away. After one visit at LaserHealth® Solutions I was experiencing less pain and no longer felt like I was crooked or leaning for no reason. For the whole week after my treatment I didn't even need to use ice or arnica cream, where as before, I had to apply cream every 2 hours just to leave the house.

All through the Christmas / New Years holidays I was on my feet with little to no pain. This has made a huge improvement to my life. I'm glad I came in for treatment. My husband is also happy that I'm out of constant pain now. It was driving him nuts.

Linda S.

Condition(s): Plantar Fasciitis

One Stop Shop for Problems

I first heard about LaserHealth Solutions from a friend.I came in for my feet.They were really sore for almost 4 years.I was at my wits end.After about 8 visits over a span of 2 months my foot pain was gone.Two years later my right shoulder started to act up enough to motivate me to seek treatment.Now to be honest this was bothering me off and on for the past 2 years.This time it got so bad I had weakness, numbness in my arm and I had reduced mobility which kept me awake a lot at night.I felt just miserable.After 8 treatments I felt about 80% better.At the 12th treatment I could say my shoulder felt… View the whole post

Condition(s): Knee Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Shoulder Pain and Injuries