The Calgary clinic opened in 2004 and has successfully treated thousands of people for conditions such as tendonitis, sciatica, cervical and shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, low back pain, TMJ syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries and arthritis. Treatments are a combination of laser therapy and manual therapy.
Laser therapy is proven to help reduce or eliminate inflammation. Light photons are deeply absorbed by soft tissue, stimulating physiological effects necessary to healing. It is a painless, noninvasive therapy which can help restore normal cell function and enhance the body’s healing processes.
The manual work provided by the therapists includes Manual Osteopathic Therapy, Somatics, Onsen® Therapy and Massage Therapy Techniques. These are used to assess and correct structural and functional imbalances. Improved musculoskeletal balance means the reduction or elimination of pain, an increased range of motion and the release of entrapped nerves or trigger points.
The cost is $131+GST per visit. An assessment is included in the first visit at no extra charge and each visit takes just under an hour. You are one-on-one with the therapist the whole time. You won't just be receiving laser therapy. Laser therapy is an important part of the treatment because of its ability to reduce or eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The manual therapy is just as important because these techniques deal with the structural and muscular reasons why the pain and inflammation started. Laser Health Solutions has developed a unique therapy program using Osteopathic techniques, Laser Therapy, Somatics, and Massage Therapy that you won't find anywhere else. On average, only ten treatments are needed.
If you have insurance benefits which allow you to see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), you can claim reimbursement for Laser Health Solutions treatments when you see one of our RMTs. If you have any of the following insurance and are able to see a Manual Osteopathic Therapist (DMO), you are able to claim reimbursement when treated by one of our osteopaths: Blue Cross, Desjardins, Empire Life, Equitable Life, Great West Life, Canada Life, Greenshield, Manulife or Sunlife.
We believe in finding – and fixing – the cause of your pain.
We believe in getting you better fast.
We believe you shouldn’t have to keep seeing us for the rest of your life.
We believe great therapy shouldn’t feel like medieval torture.
We believe you don’t have to spend all day doing rehab exercises.
We believe more birthdays doesn’t equate to more pain.
"I had a surfing accident while in Mexico a few years back, resulting in a severe dislocation of my shoulder, with some tearing in my rotator cuff. I finally had surgery to repair the damage one year ago, but the constant pain lingered, causing many sleepless nights. We even purchased the best pocket coil mattress available, to no avail. At the age of 66, I am aware that my body's healing capacity is significantly slower, but I needed relief.
I commenced treatment at the LaserHealth® Solutions 3 weeks ago, where the staff administered gentle manual work to release the critical points of my shoulder, and… View the whole post
“On and off severe shoulder pain to the extent of having the left arm assist the right arm in an effort to lift a glass of water. Previous treatment of cortisone injections was helpful for a short period only. I had an injection 4 weeks prior to seeking help from the laser treatment. When I came for treatment the pain was severe and continual 24 hours a day. After 1 treatment alone, 80% of the pain disappeared. After the 3rd treatment the pain was nonexistent. I have recommended this to everyone I know.”
"I returned to LaserHealth® Solutions after injuring my right knee doing a lunge incorrectly at the gym. My knee would lock into a bent position which would require me to forcefully and painfully extend it. The back of my knee had a continuous dull ache and I had little strength. Stairs were very difficult and when I was sitting cross-legged on the floor I could not lower my right leg.
I did not go to my doctor or to physiotherapy. I came straight to LaserHealth® Solutions!
Blaine assessed that I had tight hip flexors causing the right side of my pelvis to tilt forward. He showed me how to properly… View the whole post
Although the road to a life of lesser pain was somewhat longer than anticipated, throughout the journey the care and dedication of the team at LaserHealth® Solutions was exemplary.From the friendly voice at reception, through the ingenuity with which treatment plans are formulated, to the genuine patience with which they are administered the level of care given by this team is impressive.If you have the determination to be in less pain then these people have the skill and dedication to stick with you and to get you there.
Janette V.
Case History
A 54 year old health care professional, who had had non-specific lower… View the whole post
I am pleased to update you of the long term success your treatment has had on my lower back and leg pain.I have now been pain free for over two years.I also walk upright with ease and sleep through the night without pain.
Previous to your assessment and treatment I had a few years of spinal injections that worked about 50% of the time.The MRI results had described my back as being in a degenerative state.Even though the MRI was an accurate description, you identified the cause of my 8 to 10 level of pain and treated me successfully by also over-coming stubborn inflammation through cold laser… View the whole post
“I was having pain in both hands for the past 3 years. I had been to LHS for a knee problem in the past which had responded well to the laser therapy. I figured I would give my carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms a try. After 10 visits of treatment on both wrists and on my neck, I am happily reporting a 98% improvement overall. I have no more pain in the hands and I only have slight numbness remaining in my left finger tips. Now I have more strength and I am able to open jars again without any issue.”
When I came to LaserHealth® Solutions in February of 2012, I was in terrible condition. I had herniated 2 of my lumbar discs and was walking with severe pain and discomfort. The injury occurred 8 months before I came to the clinic and I had tried every treatment besides surgery. I was losing hope and I didn't think I would ever return to my 2+ year career as a letter carrier. Blaine and the staff at LaserHealth® Solutions were able to treat my injury with great success as I have been able to return to work and one again enjoy life. I sincerely recommend anyone suffering to give the clinic a call. All the staff are wonderful and you won't be disappointed. To myself, they were truly an answered prayer.
In early August,Karen had the edge of a dropped table land top of her right foot.X-ray was negative for a fracture.She came in for laser therapy 3 days after the injury.At that time she had difficulty walking, with lots of redness, bruising and acute swelling from her toes up to and including her ankle.She also had a 2 cm break in the skin on the top of her foot.She was very tender to touch over the entire foot up to the middle of her shin.Range of motion was normal, but plantar flexion produced some pain.After 6 treatments over 12 days, she had significant reduction of swelling, sensitivity and bruising.She… View the whole post
“Dr. Rob, Dr. YY and team treated me through the relentless pain before my hip replacement and then through the post-operative recovery, which has proceeded faster than I could have imagined. I am mobile and free, delighted to feel so ‘normal'.”
“After an unfortunate day for me in taekwondo that left me with a sore foot, it was soon all hands on deck to get me back to my peak condition for the end of my track season and the few remaining, but important, meets I had trained hard for. My mom took me to physiotherapy and to a podiatrist to try and help me. While it did help, the progress was too slow to be effective in time for my track meets. Then my dad suggested laser therapy. He had received this treatment on his knee and had said it helped him with the pain/discomfort he had experienced. With the upcoming meets fast approaching I decided to give it a try. After about… View the whole post